A consecutive 3-day training programme enrolled for all team members

Over 3 days, Shrewsbury Prison has enrolled a training programme, allowing our team members to grow in their development and strengthen the skills that each of our employees here at Shrewsbury Prison aspire to improve.
The training session covers a range of development programmes and sessions. This immersive training opportunity, allows development, interaction, improvement and team building across the whole of the Shrewsbury Prison team. Expanding their knowledge as well as providing the opportunity to raise and address operational plans for the months ahead.
We pride ourselves in providing the very best for our employees and visitors alike. Our training programme has been designed and delivered in line with our core values and mission statements and with our staff in mind.
From learning techniques to processes, we aim to consistently deliver and achieve unparalleled levels of customer service as Shropshire’s Number 1 Tourist Attraction.
Our structured training programme has been rolled out across a 3-day period to ensure the team were not rushed, providing plenty of time to fully understanding and absorb each session. ‘Rushing training’, paying it ‘lip service’ and ‘ticking a box’ only enforce poor standards and reveal a company that does not care. This is not us; we strive for high staff morel by providing meaningful programmes that actual make a different to our employees and our customers. Our people are at the forefront of everything we do.
Over the 3 days our team members heard from Lauren Watkins, Attraction Director, who re-enforced the company Aims & Objectives, Vision, and Mission Statements. Employees took part in fire drill training and health and safety assessments, which are essential in ensuring the safety of all team members as well as that of our visitors. There were a number of team building exercises, puzzles and games, introduced to build and evolve our working relationships and of course prizes on the line. (as well as prison bragging rights). There was an extensive session on customer service, and our fantastic Tour Guide team had a full day’s training on the new Education Behind Bars programme, which will be launched on 27th February.
Throughout the immersive training, our hardworking employees were awarded certificates of completion. A selection of our employees were also nominated throughout the training sessions by fellow team members for their hard work and efforts. We understand that it is just as important to reward and praise people for their achievements as it is to support and train them.
Our on-site training outlines the way forward for the continued success of Shrewsbury Prison.
Lauren Watkins – Attraction Director said; “Over the years we have developed a first-class training programme for our employees, ensuring we achieve our company objectives by engaging and educating our team members. This is one of the reasons why our corporate training packages – Team Building Behind Bars are so successful. As we have tried and tested methods that deliver first class results for all and any business.”
For more information or enquiries please contact our media team on: [email protected]